Greetings everyone, A New Year's post to enliven the day. I have a few things to update. First, my three Saturdays at the Ecology Center craft fair were deeply encouraging. People genuinely enjoyed my work and I sold 75% of my inventory. In dollars, I made roughly $800. A big thanks to all my friends who came out to say hello and give support. I'm not accustomed to this kind of encouragement so I must be on a good path. I'm looking for other ways to get my work into the world. Watch this space, and we'll see what happens next.
I also want to share two art books that were begun in Alice Armstrong's class at Castle in the Air, but were finished this past month. This project was "supposed" to take up two class lessons. I felt inspired and it took a great deal of the month of December to finish. The assignment was an accordion, tunnel book. I'm not so familiar with tunnel books and so maybe this one doesn't make that definition, but I hope you like it anyway.
The piece is "The Book of George" and was inspired by his music. This is the crow's eye view. The guitar cut-out and subsequent shadows is my rendering of George's Rickenbacker.

In the center is a box made of balsa wood and covered with paper. Inside the box is the OM symbol. After about 1968 or so whenever George would sign his name, he would follow it with the OM symbol. Here's the close up of the center. And before you ask, yes, this was hours with an exacto knife.

Because the book is so difficult to photograph, here's a short video so you can see the details closer. Honestly, it took me hours to do this project. Please take a minute and watch the video. It will make you happy:
This was our final project in Alice's class. I was pretty proud of it from the moment I created it. When I sent the initial photo of this to my friend Lana, she responded with, "what is it? Is it decoration?" Ummm, ok, but I'd like to call it art. It even has a name - "Fellowship". It sounds biblical, but that's what the characters here are doing. The project is two round boxes that were embellished with ledger paper, trim, and the characters. Inside the top box is an egg. Inside the bottom box are instructions for living life and four secret scrolls. You'll have to get past the monkey to know what these are. He looks tame, but watch out.

The new year is upon us and the light returns. I'm already back in my studio seeing where it all begins. be well, be happy